Daimen Headshot

Meet Daimen Ambers

I am an aspiring Electrical Engineer with the goal to give back to the community and my environment by using the tools gained through my electrical engineering experience.

Close-up of a circuit board with integrated circuits and blue capacitors.

What is Electrical Engineering to me?

Electrical engineering is an area of expertise that allows for creativity, innovation and the ability to transform the information technology industry.

Illustration of a laptop displaying code with icons representing AI, technology, and innovation surrounding it.

Engineer in Training & Professional Engineer Meetup

This is a forum to share stories of engineering and network with potential engineering colleagues. The purpose of this group is to connect with engineers that have obtained their Engineer in Training (EIT) certificate, in the process of pursing their EIT certificate, or is already a Professional Engineer and would like to share their stories and offer guidance for EITs. All engineering fields are welcomed.

Contact Me

Connect with me directly by using the contact form or send me an email directly.

“Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that has never been.”

— Theodore von Karman